My reading: the choice of Nifont Dolgopolova

“What are you reading?»This month, a gestalt-therapist Nifont Dolgopolov answers our literary questions.

Metel Vladimir Sorokin

The story begins in the style of the realistic story of the XIX century about Dr. Platon Ilyich, who, despite the blizzard, to the sick residents of the distant village … But gradually the author invades my consciousness by the phantasmagoric “details” of the trip – then horses with the size of the partridge on which the doctor travels, thenPyramids – super -narcots, which are treated by “eastern” people on the road … I barely manage to integrate “superreality” into something and meaningful, but, having done it, I feel how my ability to work is intensified.

AST, Astrel, 304 s.

“Anna Karenina” Leo Tolstoy

At school, and at a later time, I lacked patience to master the whole epic novels of Tolstoy. But the Khinovskaya Anna-Kira Knightley, and Solovyovskaya Anna-Tatyana Drubich warmed up my curiosity and the desire to re-read Tolstoy. This time, this time, not so much by the plot of the Karenin triangle – Vronsky – Karenin, but the variety and interconnectedness of the world in which they exist. Interestingly, with such a change in the installation, my reader excitement did not weaken with any “wandering” of the author – whether it was a journey to the village or describing the world of Rysakov.

“Year in Provence” Peter Mail

This book was brought to me by a friend when I was in the hospital, and on a rather mean diet. At first, a description of the life of a married couple of English “emigrants” in a farm house in Provence, saturated with gastronomic excursions into the local cuisine, seemed to me blasphemous inappropriate for my condition. But gradually I plunged into the light witty poetry of the author’s language and did not even notice how I swallowed with the pleasure of three hundred pages of an extremely tasty text on the topic “That’s what could please you, reader, if you bought a house in the south of France”.

Translation from English Irina Pander. Amphora, 304 s.

“For the first time in the Bible” Meir Shalev

I like the original author’s move: since the Bible is “The Book of the Puddered”, then any phenomenon can be viewed from the point of view of primary in biblical texts. Thus, the author’s research on “first love”, “first dream”, “first animals”, “first loving” (which, as the author explains, in the whole Bible, unlike “loving men”, exists in the only copy of the only copy!). Meir Shalev brilliantly reads ancient texts-carefully and meticulously, offering his cultural and

psychological interpretation of a particular phenomenon. And his correctness is worthy of admiration and imitation.

Translated from Jewish Rafail Nudelman and Alla Furman. Text, 416 s.

“Summer Deception” Bernhard Shlink

Seven stories. The German writer involuntarily, but deeply involves us in the world of close relationships between men, women, parents and children. The graceful deployment of the fabric of the consciousness of the heroes, the workshop of clarity and laconication when describing external events. The inevitability of love fraud and evasion of proximity is mashy of me with warm sadness in the stories of the heroes of the book, and in the rolling memories of my own relationship.

Translated from German Inna Strebleva and Galina Snezhinskaya. ABC, 288 from.

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